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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oedipus Essay Test

1)    Fate allows us to believe that everything that happens in our life is predetermined and cannot be changed. I believe in fate but I also believe in trying to change it. after much consideration I've come to the conclusion that fate has already been planned out for us, and if there’s something out there that already has our life planned for us then there is no question that they know we will try to change it. I think that a higher power knows that we are going to try to change it so it makes it so however we try to change it our fate puts us right back on track with hows everything is predetermined to play out.
Conversely, if I lived my life how I wanted and believed that every action I took in my life was based off my own decisions then things could go however I wanted in my life, this is the way that i actually believe, i may believe partly in fate when it comes to matters such as how i may die, but when it comes to how i live my life, i make the decisions, and i can only go as far as i push my self, and i don’t planning on loosing momentum any time soon. When you consider the role of fate in being born as a boy or a girl, there’s not much to think about, whether you are boy or girl, is all something that depends on your chromosomes, it has nothing to do with fate.
When things change in my life that happen due to others decisions, I do not call that fate. I see that as someone elses choices affecting me. which isn't always fair but life isn't fair. you can choose to react to changes from others however you would like and how you make decisions based on others choices can often lead you in a different direction.
2)    In some cases it is okay to lie, if you are trying to hide something from someone for a surprise then there’s no harm in it. There are a few cases where if you are trying to protect someone from something for there own best interest then it is alright to lie but it may be hard to do so. When you know something that someone else shouldn’t know often times you find yourself feeling sick to your stomach when you try not to tell them the truth because you feel it may hurt them, but at the same time you feel that they should know because its there right to know. I know that I always like to know the truth it helps keep me sane knowing what is going on around me or what is being said about me. Often times I find myself rather stressed out when someone has something they need to tell me, but feel that I shouldn’t know.
When I was seven years old, my parents told me that my dad was going to live at my grandmas for a while, they didn't tell me anything other than he needed to be closer to his work, six months later my parents finalized there divorce and they told me and my siblings the real reason why my dad had moved out. I was shocked, scared, sad and angry all at the same time, I know it seems that i may have been to young  to understand this but it all was very clear to me and i hated my mom for a long time because she divorced my dad. I hated that they lied to me, I could have dealt with it better if they had just told me what was happening from the start instead of lying to me.
A time in history when a belief was sent out that made people do absolutely terrible things, was during world war II, Hitler brainwashed many into thinking that the Jewish race was a dirty and vile race and they shouldn't be around. This lie led to the death of hundreds of thousands of Jews. when a person is put into power, many will believe that they know what is best for all so they will follow them, and Hitlers beliefs and lies killed many and scared a religion forever.
3)    The Oedipus complex is the early stage in life when you feel the desire to kill your father and sleep with your mother, this is considered to be something you grow out of but some never grow out of it like as Oedipus didn't in the play. he was destined from his birth to kill his father and marry his mother and when his parents tried to prevent this they only helped fulfill it. This is where Freud based his theories from. this desire is brought upon the young by there attachment to there mother as a love object and hatred towards there father for being able to bed with her and keep her from you.
I do not completely agree with Freud's ideals but through my eyes his theories make some sense. when we are young we often are more favored to our mothers and we might hold a desire to be with our mother due to our ability to be around them as much as we want and to breast feed. This forms an attachment that you cannot form with a father at such an early age. I think that something that could be used to back up Freud's theories is that as a child we are around our mothers much more than our fathers and we rely on breast feeding from our mothers to keep us a live, so in other words, we feel the need to be closer and protect our mothers because they are the life of us. But in a different sense i do not feel that Freud's complex is completely true in the sense that sometimes people don't grow out of that stage, i feel that everyone grows out of it if it actually exists and we all move past any thoughts of wanting to kill and bed our parents, and we do all this without even remembering that we had these thought in the first place.
4)    I think that Antigone gets the courage to break the law from her strong belief in a proper burial and her love for her brother. She is willing to do anything to ensure that he moves on with honor even if it means she has to die herself. When she left with Oedipus into exile she already had made the choice to live a hard life and seeing one of her once overruling brothers left to rot in the sun would have killed her inside.  she made the choice to try to give him a proper burial and in turn she was left to die still alive hanging on a cave wall.
Everyday we are forced to follow and live by rules set for us that we may not agree with but without these rules in place things would be chaotic.These rules and laws help us to live safer lives and protect us from harm by others. they help to guide us through making bad decisions in our lives because it makes us aware of the consequences we must face if we choose to live a dangerous lifestyle towards ourselves and others.
In my life i choose to listen to my parents and follow my boss’s orders, rules and regulations. But throughout much of the day I make many choices that go against some rules and bylaws set to help control things.  I choose to put off homework when it is only set in place to help further my education, and although it is not required that you do it, by not doing it, you must suffer the consequences of not passing a test or receiving a bad grade for a test. I follow my parents rule, I break rules such as texting in school and I bend rules such asking to go to my car top get my jacket and leaving to go get lunch instead. laws should be in place but only to a certain degree we should not be so limited as to having to regulate what kind of clothing we can where, rather than implementing so many rules just give more freedoms and people wont feel the need to be so rebellious and break so many of the small insignificant rules in place.

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